10 natural home remedies to prevent stains, and yellowing teeth to get perfect pearl like teeth and a shiny bright smile.
A smile can make you more attractive and beautiful to others but what if you have yellow teeth! Your smile perhaps won’t have any significance. So to make a good impression you need to have a good smile and a white pearl like teeth can do a lot to shine your personality. Everybody wants whiter teeth like their celebrity and white teeth signify health and beauty in American culture. To get white teeth you can choose two options, either try it at home or get help from your dentist or drugstore (it can be homeopathic too). Brighten your teeth by specially prepared whiting bleaching strip found at any drug store. It works very well and give you’re a perfect shiny bright smile within an hour. But if your intention is to get home remedy then this article will help you a lot.
1. Toothpaste: The first and foremost important home remedy is BRUSH your teeth EVERYDAY, for quick good result try to wash thoroughly after each after meal and brush before going to bed. Use an extra whiting tooth paste. This will give you the best result.
2. Avoid stains: Stains on your teeth can be difficult to remove without a whiting product. So try to avoid foods that normally leave stains on your teeth like tea and coffee. Reduce the number of drinking and smoking and each time you smoke, brush your teeth immediately.
3. Strawberry: It is a fruity remedy. Eat Strawberry (whole or brush with a mash it to paste and brush with it) instead of raw blueberry or blackberry. They stain your teeth but strawberry help to clean the teeth’s surface. It contains acid and the seeds which damage germs. But brush so carefully without pressures.
4. Hydrogen peroxide: To gently bleach your teeth and kill germs, gargle with hydrogen peroxide diluted with water once a day. You can find them easily in any drug store. But before using it, consult with your dentist.
5. Baking soda: Baking soda also helps whitening your teeth with regular use with toothpaste as it contains mild abrasive ingredients.
6. Crunchy vegetables: Vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, cucumbers and celery are abrasive naturally and act like toothpaste (or toothbrush when you eat) and scrub away stains.
7. Lemon juice: You can brush your teeth with lemon juice or rub with the peel but trust me it is worst of any other home remedy. It taste so bad and you will feel burn in your mouth. It can a so called good remedy as it works well in whiting teeth and quick but as lemon juice contain citric acid, the excessive use of it may decay your teeth much faster without proper care and enough calcium.
8. Wood Ash: It is a popular natural teeth whiting remedy in India and surrounding country. It is too good to work and perhaps have no side effect except if you don’t like the taste of ash. But it’s not that bad. I like it.
9. Baking soda and peroxide combined: This is one of the best home remedy for whitening teeth and regular tooth maintenance. You can find the recipe on internet. It’s simple and easy.
10. Salt: How can I forget salt? If you have no other option to try (which is about impossible) then you can use salt (not the powder one) with toothpaste. It works well as a natural antiseptic and whitening substance. You’ll taste too salty, better not to swallow it. Try regularly.
Whatever you try, don’t forget to visit your dentist at least once a month. These remedies will do their jobs between dental visits. Teeth are the most visible parts of our mouth so don’t take any risk with it. If any of the above remedies upset your teeth, immediately visit your dentist. Because a remedy works for someone, may not work for you.