Friday, November 15, 2013

My Favorite Wedding Table Card Display

Wedding is a ceremony where people come together to celebrate a marriage. The traditions and costumes of a wedding varies greatly from culture to culture, between ethnic groups, religion and country. Whatever the culture or country it belongs, people try to make it unique to keep it in their memory forever. Among many wedding costumes, wedding table card display takes an important role to make it a creative decoration piece alone with serving the purpose by displaying table number, guest's name and menu. Before my wedding I searched internet to find some creative amazing ideas to decorate tables with wedding table card. Here I'm listing the most favorite ideas I've found then.

  • LED Wedding Table Card:

  • Butterfly Place Cards:

  • Theme Place Cards:

  • Lemonade with Leaf Shaped Table Number Card:
  • Tiny Plant Pot Place Card:
  • Hand-Embroidered Wedding Heirloom:  

Thursday, November 14, 2013

My realization.

Today is the third day of my blog. And surprisingly I'm thinking what to right now. it's really difficult to be a writer. It's much easier to be a collector because I just search what I want to know or collect, but here I have to express my feelings too. I look for new ideas which are not invented by me. I just collect them when surfing internet and share it in my facebook page. But if I want to share those with you I have to explain them because only picture can't create a perfect blog.

When I was 10-16, I used to write various stories, mostly science fictions. I don't know why I wrote those science fictions, may be because I was less social than others. I'm the only child of my parents and I had no permission to go out without them. So my world was limited within my room, with my computers, and books. I tried several times to read books that contains, love, tragedy, social actions but I didn't like them most of the time. Because I couldn't relate them with my life style. I had my very own world where I was the creator. I wanted to created something new, something different. I wanted to spice up my life style and I found that it's much easier to create fictional character than get introduced to a real character. So when I get out from my world to complete my schooling and leaving my home for the first time to live alone in a completely different city, it was a huge buzz for me. Anyway I'm now happy with my life. So I want to write something real, something interesting, that will explain me. I'm trying. Please pray for me so that I become successful.

Personalized Coffee Cup Sleeves & Cup Cozy

I indulge in hot beverages such as coffee and tea in winter completely, if you are someone like me, why not make you own personalized felt coffee cup sleeve or tea cup cozy that can be used again and again instead of disposable paper sleeves. Aside from cutting back on waste, it’s also a good way to add characteristic and fun to your plain coffee or tea cups. . Allow your creativity to run wild now! Make your very own tea/coffee cup cozy. 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

DIY: Triple Colored Statement Beaded Necklace

All women loves to wear jewelry because it makes them feel good, confident and beautiful though the feelings vary women to women. It'll be hard to find a woman who doesn't like jewelry. Some women wears jewelry because it probably convey their status and social class. Materials may vary in this case. They do it consciously or subconsciously. There are few who wears jewelry just because it is pretty.

whatever the reason is, it is clear that the demand of jewelry will never end. there are various kind of jewelry and they are for different part of the body. Men also wear jewelry but they are in different forms. What kind of materials are using to make jewelry, usually decide the selling price. Among all kind of jewelries beaded jewelry has a special appeal as they come from higher price to lower.

Whatever it is, the good news is, you can easily make beaded jewelry at home. It's so much cheap to make and a complete fun.

Materials and tools for beaded statement necklace:

0.3mm golden tiger tail wire
8mm silvery spacer beads
4mm black round paint-sprayed beads
6mm black round faceted glass beads
8mm black round glass beads
8mm red round sprayed jade beads
10mm red round sprayed jade beads
12mm red round faceted jade beads
Bronze Tibetan style links
Bronze chain
Bronze lobster clasp
Bronze jump ring
Crimp beads
Bronze crimple bead covers
Round nose plier
Flat nose plier
Wire cutter

Instructions on how to make beaded statement necklace:

Step 1: 1st, pick a 20cm length of tiger tail, thread it through the second loop of bronze connector, fold it over the loop, and crimp the end.

Step 2:  Slide the beads onto the tiger tail just line the picture below and connect with another bronze connector. Similarly Do the next two layer.

Step 3: 1st, pick two 16cm lengths of bronze chains, open their end links and connect both to the bronze connectors; 2nd, attach lobster clasp to one chain and jump ring to the other chain.

Tada! You have finished making a beaded statement necklace!

 The main source is:

Get a Pearl White Smile-naturally!!

10 natural home remedies to prevent stains, and yellowing teeth to get perfect pearl like teeth and a shiny bright smile.

A smile can make you more attractive and beautiful to others but what if you have yellow teeth!  Your smile perhaps won’t have any significance. So to make a good impression you need to have a good smile and a white pearl like teeth can do a lot to shine your personality. Everybody wants whiter teeth like their celebrity and white teeth signify health and beauty in American culture. To get white teeth you can choose two options, either try it at home or get help from your dentist or drugstore (it can be homeopathic too).  Brighten your teeth by specially prepared whiting bleaching strip found at any drug store. It works very well and give you’re a perfect shiny bright smile within an hour. But if your intention is to get home remedy then this article will help you a lot.

1.       Toothpaste: The first and foremost important home remedy is BRUSH your teeth EVERYDAY, for quick good result try to wash thoroughly after each after meal and brush before going to bed. Use an extra whiting tooth paste. This will give you the best result.
2.       Avoid stains: Stains on your teeth can be difficult to remove without a whiting product. So try to avoid foods that normally leave stains on your teeth like tea and coffee. Reduce the number of drinking and smoking and each time you smoke, brush your teeth immediately.
3.       Strawberry: It is a fruity remedy. Eat Strawberry (whole or brush with a mash it to paste and brush with it) instead of raw blueberry or blackberry. They stain your teeth but strawberry help to clean the teeth’s surface. It contains acid and the seeds which damage germs. But brush so carefully without pressures.
4.       Hydrogen peroxide: To gently bleach your teeth and kill germs, gargle with hydrogen peroxide diluted with water once a day. You can find them easily in any drug store. But before using it, consult with your dentist.
5.       Baking soda: Baking soda also helps whitening your teeth with regular use with toothpaste as it contains mild abrasive ingredients.
6.       Crunchy vegetables: Vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, cucumbers and celery are abrasive naturally and act like toothpaste (or toothbrush when you eat) and scrub away stains.
7.       Lemon juice: You can brush your teeth with lemon juice or rub with the peel but trust me it is worst of any other home remedy. It taste so bad and you will feel burn in your mouth. It can a so called good remedy as it works well in whiting teeth and quick but as lemon juice contain citric acid, the excessive use of it may decay your teeth much faster without proper care and enough calcium.
8.       Wood Ash: It is a popular natural teeth whiting remedy in India and surrounding country. It is too good to work and perhaps have no side effect except if you don’t like the taste of ash. But it’s not that bad. I like it.
9.       Baking soda and peroxide combined: This is one of the best home remedy for whitening teeth and regular tooth maintenance.  You can find the recipe on internet. It’s simple and easy.
10.   Salt: How can I forget salt? If you     have no other option to try (which is about impossible) then you can use salt (not the powder one) with toothpaste. It works well as a natural antiseptic and whitening substance. You’ll taste too salty, better not to swallow it. Try regularly.
Whatever you try, don’t forget to visit your dentist at least once a month. These remedies will do their jobs between dental visits. Teeth are the most visible parts of our mouth so don’t take any risk with it. If any of the above remedies upset your teeth, immediately visit your dentist. Because a remedy works for someone, may not work for you.